
Welcome to my blog!
I am a keen cook, mostly inspired by my French upbringing. My happy places are my kitchen and my garden.
I am very fortunate to run my own Cooking classes business from home.
My aim is to get people who don't cook much (or not at all) back in the kitchen, reduce processed food and use fresh and local produce...leading to a healthier life and eating habits!

Friday 23 November 2012


Here is the recipe I used to make all the time (before I got hooked on Sourdough Bread). Simple and versatile, I shape it in baguette, rolls, loaves and put some egg wash on it for the crust. Shape it like a thick pizza, brush some olive oil and sprinkle some rosemay leaves for a Foccacia style (perfect for BBQs with homemade dips).
Put some seeds in the dough (dry roasted fennel seeds, caraway seeds, cumin seeds...) for different flavours.
This recipe is waiting for your creative side to come out and play.

Basic bread

Ingredients (4)
Proving mix
*       6g of yeast
*       50 ml of tepid water
*       300 ml of tepid water
*       500g of flour
*       5g of salt

How to
In a large mixing bow,  mix the  yeast in water and prove until frothy (about 10 minutes)
Add flour first, then salt to the proving mix ,  add water  gradually.
Put the dough on a floured surface and knead well (until the dough becomes supple and elastic).
Make a ball and put it back in the bowl, cover with cling film and prove for 1 hour or doubled in size. The ambient temperature will have an impact on the rising time.
After the first rise, take the dough again,  work it again and shape it (balls, baguettes...) and let it rise a second time (between 30 minutes to 1 hours depending on temperature)
Brush some egg wash (egg + water) or just spray some water on it.
Make some incision on the bread and bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 20 minutes or until brown.


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