
Welcome to my blog!
I am a keen cook, mostly inspired by my French upbringing. My happy places are my kitchen and my garden.
I am very fortunate to run my own Cooking classes business from home.
My aim is to get people who don't cook much (or not at all) back in the kitchen, reduce processed food and use fresh and local produce...leading to a healthier life and eating habits!

Friday 16 November 2012

Pasta Dough

I have been making my pasta for the last few months now and loving it. It is easy and taste so much nicer than the shop bought pasta.
Let me know how you go...

Pasta dough

  •       200g of flour (sifted) 
  •        2 eggs
  •        5g of salt
  •        Extra flour
How to:
To make this dough, you can use a Thermomix, mixer or even do it by hand.
1. Put all the ingredients together and knead until you get a firm but supple dough. (Check the dough by pressing a clean, dry finger into the centre of it. If it comes out clean without being sticky, it is the right consistency. If not, knead in a little more flour and test again.
2. Divide the dough in 3 or 4 balls and wrap them up. Fix the Pasta machine on the side of your workbench, set it on the thickest setting. Unwrap 1 ball and flatten it with your hand. Put it through the pasta machine, fold it in 3 and start again. Repeat the process a few times.
3. Start reducing gradually the thickness on the pasta machine (and stop folding the dough) until you reach 1. If you are making lasagnes or ravioli, put the sheets on a floured surface and repeat with the other balls. If you are making tagliatelle or spaghettis, put the sheets of pasta through the attachment of the pasta machine or roll them up and cut the pasta with a knife.
- If you want to experiment with colors, you can mix in the flour basil, beetroot, sun dried tomatoes, turmeric...
- Fresh pasta cook much faster than store bought, dried ones. Have a few "taste test" through the cooking process until they are cooked to your liking.
- Get your kids and or partner involved. Kids will love to make up different pasta shapes or raviolis and name them after themselves ;-)

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